I bought some new wallpaper to put on my wall
but when I was bringing it home, the wallpapers began to fall
I started to pick them up
and tried to put them into a bucket (which is a big cup)
but when go near 1 of them, the walpaper ran away
hoping they would by mistake get stuck, glue I began to spray
But the nozzel was turned around
So, on me glue I found
Next to me I heard a voice
Making a lot of noise:
Hee! Hee! you are sticky
and I am free
The Wallpaper tried to run out the door
I dived at it and pinned it on the floor
We rolled and rolled and it got folded all around
And when we were done, a wallpaper aeroplane was found
And I decided to climb upon the plane
Just when a breeze came in and set us off, me riding a aeroplane
And we went flying, stopping only if we fall
The only problem is that my wallpaper never reached the wall!