The Painting
The paintbox in my paint bag once came suddenly next to me
And opened itself and the paints were happy to be free
They ran and jumped all over the table
And ruined the internet cable
I ran after them
To catch them and put their caps on them
But they were too fast for me
And they whizzed around, too hard to see
The table was yellow, my pants were green
And there was orange on the monitor screen
I was now distraught
Because none of the paint bottles were caught
Now I went and brought my canvas board
Because I thought if the paint only fell on the canvas, it would be good
So when I kept the board on the table,
The paints broke out into a babble
After thinking for a while
They looked at me with style
And then, in a flash
They started to throw themselves on the canvas
I panicked again
And tried to catch the paints and got a sprain
So now there was nothing I could do but watch
As the paints threw themselves on the canvas
But when the paints got off
I expected the sight I would see to be tosh
But in front of me
There was an abstract painting I could see
I thanked the paints
and asked them kindly
Would they go back to their box and not jump around blindly?
So after the paints were safely in their box
I was happy because they were sly as a fox
I went and showed my mother the painting
and said I was the one who did the colouring
My mother believed me and I ran off
But afterwards, I told her it was the work of the paints in the box.