Review of all the subjects I have learnt


Sangini Sharma
2 min readJun 9, 2021

Maths is my favourite subject because it has logic and it is so fun! There are so many things in Maths and it is very fun to learn each new thing!


Science is my second favourite subject science because there are so many experiments and observations. This year, science has been split into Biology, Chemistry and Physics. My favourite was going to be Chemistry but now, I have not chosen my favourite.


I did not find SST too interesting but now that it is split into history and geography that are much more interesting. I like them both more than the combined SST.


The level of Hindi is Ok-Ok. It is not too exciting or not too boring. It is like that I learn it because it is important.


English is the same as Hindi except that I find it more boring. This year, I don’t find it as boring but I don’t know why!



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