Damaroo or Dholak?

Sangini Sharma
2 min readJun 15, 2021


There was a dholak who played a Damaroo

Oh sorry, I’ll tell it again to you

It was the damaroo who played the dholak

Oh no, my words I have to suck

But now dear me

there is no other way I can see

So I’ll tell the whole story!

The dholak played the damaroo

But it happened the other way too!

The damaroo played the dholak

Singing “Happy Birthday Tooo Yoooo!”

But now you see

The instruments were free

They were in music land

And could pick their own choice for a band!

And they were happy

because they were free from any human

and this was the key

to have fun!

But now they couldn't decide

In who to confide

On play and who should sing

and that’s why they could not make any other noise than a noisy ting ting ting!

But then they got it

what to do

It's so very simple

To hear the idea, they stood in a queue

You all play yourselves

with your legs and hands

then our band can form

and make many bands!

But I still don’t know if the dholak played the damaroo or the other way round

So I’d better run away because this is making my head pound!

