Badmashis of UKG!

Sangini Sharma
2 min readMay 27, 2021

In all my schools I have been very naughty but always became a very good girl in front of my teachers! For my first school, I went to Klay School, and over there when I was in K2 (Kindergarten 2), I did and saw a bit of badmashi! Once, the teacher had separated us into groups to take us to the playground. One group had lined up, and another, in which I was too, was sitting on the soft mats. I was having a very interesting arm-wrestling match with another girl called Veda and we were concentrating so much, we did not notice that the teacher was looking at us. The next moment, she stopped our very interesting match and told me st stand in the corner with my face to the wall. I did this but when ma'am was about to leave I turned around and gave a small thumbs-up to Veda. I did this because ma'am would think that as soon as she was gone I will do something. So she quickly told me again to it on the mat I again continued the arm-wrestling match!

Another thing is that we had a star chart, which is a huge chart stuck on the window with stars on it on which there were photos of all the students of the class. If they did anything good, their stars would move up and if they did anything bad, their stars would go down. Now there was this boy who when we were doing some work, jumped up and started dancing while singing ‘give me some sunshine ’. The teacher threatened him that she would move down his star but he started singing “All Is Well” very loudly the whole class started laughing very loudly and the teacher was furious! She was so angry that she moved the boy’s star right to the bottom of the chart!

One last badmashi was that we were in the nursery where there were small toys and books. It was storytime and ma'am was reading a book. But 1 boy called Kartik was playing in the corner of the room and not listening. Maam got angry and told him to come and sit with the rest of the class. But he paid no attention and so Maam picked him up and put him in the Montessori where nap time was going on. He was there for the full 30 mins and only when storytime ended she got him out!

Doing badmashi is very fun and I will continue but only those that will not hurt anyone. Until then, Shhhhhh! Don’t tell anyone!

